Why Did My Bearded Dragon Throw Up?

why did my bearded dragon throw up

Do you have a bearded dragon that isn’t eating correctly? Has it suddenly started throwing up? Are you wondering if you should take it to a vet? 

Yes, it is normal for your pet bearded dragon to vomit or throw up. There are many reasons for it. Dehydration, Overfeeding, eating foreign bodies, inappropriate lighting, or humidity levels, are some of the reasons behind your bearded dragon throwing up. You should not worry too much if your bearded dragon is throwing up, try to hydrate them and check if the temperature or humidity level inside its captivity is acceptable. You can also feed them with some nutritious food to restore their health.

Top 7 Reasons Your Bearded Dragon is Throwing Up 

Some of the key reasons your bearded pet dragon is throwing up are as follows:

  1. Overfeeding

You should be very careful about the feeding frequency that you follow to feed your pet bearded dragons. 

When you get them as juveniles, they usually eat more as they are developing or growing. As they grow older, they start eating less as they prefer sleeping or being inactive most of the time.

Your pet bearded dragon’s favorite thing to eat is crickets and worms. It is very natural for humans also to throw up after we eat too much of the food we love. The same may happen in bearded dragons. 

You should always provide your bearded pet dragon with the insects or a meal they could complete in 10-15 minutes. 

Check out this video of a bearded dragon throwing up due to overeating.

  1. Dehydration

Bearded dragons do not like to stay dehydrated for a long time. If you don’t provide water in an adequate amount to them, they might not be able to digest the food they consumed adequately, which may eventually result in throwing up all the food they have eaten. 

An adult bearded dragon needs to drink water at least once a day, while the younger ones need to drink more than once a day. 

With water, you should also bathe your pet bearded dragons for them to feel fresh. You should soak them in clean water at least 2-3 times weekly. Through this, they will have a great chance to drink water, and bathing may release their stress. 

  1. Eating Foreign Bodies

Bearded dragons are usually very curious by nature. Every time you see them, they dig or look for something in their enclosure as they pass the time. So, it is very natural for them to come across many foreign objects.  

There are many foreign objects present in your pet bearded dragon’s enclosure. For example, trees, plants, soil, etc., your pet bearded dragon, if eaten, cannot digest it. They may tend to vomit or take out any inappropriate object they ate. 

If you see your pet bearded dragon puking, then you should check the enclosure properly if anything is missing and be very careful next time.

  1. Salmonella

Salmonella is a bacteria that, if it enters your pet bearded dragon’s body, may cause salmonellosis. It is a disease that may cause gastrointestinal problems in bearded dragons. 

Your pet bearded dragon may get it from a portion of contaminated food or water, or soil in its captivity. Vomiting is a common symptom; your pet bearded dragon may show if they have been infected with salmonellosis. 

If your bearded pet dragon has been infected with Salmonella, it may spread to you, too, if you touch them. This is why it is always advisable for you to wash your hands after you touch or play with your pet bearded dragons.  

  1. Impaction

Impaction is a very typical problem that may occur in your bearded pet dragon. It is an issue with digestion. 

When your bearded pet dragon has an impaction, digestive tracts are blocked, and they face difficulty swallowing anything further. Your pet bearded dragon may face this issue after it has something huge or something inappropriate.

Vomiting is a very common symptom of impaction, which may be followed by reduced appetite, swollen belly, etc. 

In the case of impaction, you must carry your bearded pet dragon to a vet as it may cause significant problems in your dragon’s stomach leading to chronic diseases. 

  1. Parasites 

Eating parasites is very common for bearded dragons. They may consume it from the food you give them or the water they are drinking. Your pet bearded dragon may be vomiting or throwing up as it may have eaten a parasite. 

Coccidia and tapeworms are common parasites your pet bearded dragon may have swallowed.

Your pet bearded dragon’s digestive system can behold many parasites. Still, if the number becomes too much, you must be serious about it and consider consulting a vet and following proper medication. Eventually, you need not worry about parasites as it is very common for them to swallow them. 

  1. Digestion Issues

It is very unusual for your bearded pet dragon to have digestion issues as it does not have a complex digestive system. Though if they are too stressed and not getting the proper amount of each nutrient, they may face these digestion issues.

Vomiting may be paired with laziness, loss of appetite, and in cases of digestion issues. In addition to the food, your pet bearded dragon may face digestive problems due to improper lighting and temperature inspire your pet bearded dragon’s tank. 

You should always keep the temperature between 38- 40 degrees Celsius or 22-25 degrees Celsius. 

How To Stop These Bearded Dragons From Throwing Up?

If you want to stop your pet bearded dragon from throwing up, follow the simple steps below.

  1. Give Them A Nice Bath 

If you notice that your bearded pet dragon is throwing up or vomiting suddenly, then the first reason which might cause this is dehydration. You should give your bearded pet dragon a nice bath in clean and fresh water to enjoy, relax and drink adequate water.

You should bathe them in the water for at least 10-15 minutes. You can also give them water to drink if you have bathed them and they are still vomiting or throwing up.

  1. Double Check Cage Temperature And Lighting

Unacceptable humidity and temperatures may stress your bearded pet dragons and disrupt their digestion system. So, they might throw up eventually. They may also feel nauseous due to the wrong temperature or lighting.

It is always advisable not to be adventurous and experimental with your pet bearded dragon’s captivity as they are susceptible to their habitat.

  1. Consult A Vet

If your pet bearded dragon is throwing up due to illness or infection, you should consult a vet. 

Your bearded pet dragon might be in severe pain due to some blockage in their digestive tract or something else, so in cases like this, you have to consult a vet and get some painkillers that can put your pet dragon at ease. 

  1. Keep Their Habitat Clean

Parasites usually climb up in dirty cages. If your bearded pet dragon is throwing up, then there is a very high possibility that they are doing so because the parasite counts in their cage have increased due to dirtiness. 

You should regularly sanitize your pet bearded dragon’s cage. You can also change the plans and substrate in your pet bearded dragon’s habitat to maintain hygiene inside captivity.


Ultimately, you should know that it is normal for your bearded pet dragon to throw up or puke. There are various reasons for them to behave in such a way; overfeeding, digestion issues, parasitic attacks, and infections are some of these reasons. 

You don’t need immediate medical attention for almost all of these reasons. You have to take measures like keeping the habitat clean, which can keep parasites and other bacteria away from their captivity, and checking whether they are living in the correct temperature and humidity levels to relax well and not stress about their captivity. 
Bathing them daily is another significant step to hydrate them and keep them away from coloring or throwing up.

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