How Many Crested Geckos Can Live Together?

how many crested geckos can live together

Do you already have a crested gecko as a pet and want another one? Well, it is not uncommon for pet owners to adopt two or more. What is important to know is how to accommodate these reptiles together. 

You can put two or more together. When you are thinking of putting two or more together, you should know that male crested geckos should never be kept in the same enclosure. You can keep two or more females together or multiple females with one male in the enclosure.

How Do Crested Geckos Ideally Live?

In the wild, these reptiles like to live individually. They do not live in groups or communities like other animals. These reptiles do cross paths and mate occasionally.  

They like having their own space and are the happiest when alone, as they have different personalities. 

That being said, it doesn’t mean that you can not put two or more together. You can pair or group them but with some conditions. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Crested Geckos Living Together

Before we jump into how to accommodate two or more, let us see the advantages and disadvantages of grouping them. 


  • You will need only one enclosure to maintain. 
  • You can observe all your pets in one place. 
  • If you want crested gecko babies, the housing situation will be perfect. 
  • Food not eaten by one crestie can be eaten by another.  


  • There may be fights leading to injuries.
  • They may fight or compete for food with one another.
  • Their stress levels can increase, leading to mental health issues.
  • Breeding can take place even if you do not want them to have babies.  
  • Dominant cresties can hoard resources such as heat or water. 
  • With more cresties in the enclosure, it can become hard to monitor their health.  

How to Accommodate Multiple Cresties Together?    

Let us look at a few ways you can accommodate them.   

  1. All Female Crested Geckos Together

If you already have a female crestie, you can adopt another female and place them in the same enclosure.  

You can house two or more females together as they are not territorial like the males and rarely get into fights. 

You can safely place several females together, but you must supervise them to ensure no problems arise. For example, when you group three females, there are chances that one can become more dominant than the other two. This can cause issues.  

Also, supervision is a must. Even though females do not fight, there might be situations where the best-tempered female gecko can get into a fight with another female. The chances are very low, but it is always better to supervise. 

  1. Male and Female

You can house one female and a male together. This living situation must be monitored as it can result in offspring. 

Males are more aggressive and amorous than females. You need to ensure that your female is not feeling uncomfortable and stressed because of the male’s domination. 

If your female is stressed, it is better to separate them. Also, if your female has given birth, you must separate the two for a while. Your female will need time to recover and cool down without the male trying to breed again. 

  1. One Male and Multiple Females

You can also house multiple females with a single male. This is an option you can consider if you want your geckos to breed. 

It works best as males can spread their amorous attention across all the females, and each female can get the time to recover. 

  1. Baby Cresties

If you have baby crested geckos, you can keep them in the same enclosure regardless of their sex. You can keep them together until they are sexually mature. 

Important Points to Note While Housing Cresties Together

  1. Never house two males together. Males are extremely territorial and aggressive. When you house them together, they can indulge in intense fights, which can lead to the death of one as well. 
  1. If you keep males and females together, you should know they will mate. Juvenile females will mate even if they are not ready to produce. They will carry and lay the eggs later. Note that this can be stressful for young females. 

You should also know that females can retain sperm from the male; even if you separate both for a while, females will lay fertilized eggs. 

Hence, if you are not ready to take care of more, it is best to avoid housing a male and a female together because mating is inevitable. 

Regardless of how you house them, you must monitor and supervise them.  

How to Build a Safe Space For Them?  

When you are housing two or more together, it is important to provide them with a safe space to avoid fights or domination. Here are a few steps you can take. 

  1. Build a Large Enclosure

If you are placing two or more in an enclosure, it is important to provide them with adequate space. That is why you must build a large enclosure. A large space will allow your pets to establish their own area or space. It will also prevent them from getting in each other’s space or way.

If you are placing a male in the enclosure, the space must be very large to give females their own space.  

Here is a table for you that will tell you the minimum enclosure size. 

Number of:Enclosure Size
2 females30 gallons
2 males500 gallons (If possible bigger than that)
3 females45 gallons
4 females60 gallons
5 females75 gallons
6 females90 gallons
2 or 3 females and 1 male75 gallons
4 females and 1 male90 gallons
5 females and 1 male120 gallons
  1. A Bioactive Enclosure

Building a bioactive enclosure will make it easier for you to maintain it. In a bioactive enclosure, natural bacterial processes and insects will eat up leftover food and drop it. This will keep the enclosure clean. 

  1. Multiple Basking, Shedding, and Hiding Spots  

These reptiles like to have privacy, which is why providing them with ample hiding spots will be beneficial for their stress levels. Your pets will not fight for hiding spots as well. Hiding spots also help during shedding time. 

You must also provide various basking and shedding areas. If you provide them with only one basking spot, others might not get the warmth they need. 

  1. Provide Them with Adequate Food 

These reptiles can compete for food. Ensure that you provide all of them with enough food so that no one is left hungry.  

Adding a little more food than usual will always be helpful. 

  1. Monitor Their Health Regularly 

Since there are more in the enclosure, you must monitor their health properly. Weigh them regularly to know if they are eating well and also check their calcium deposits. 

This will help you understand if you should separate your pets to make them healthy.  

Potential Threats When Placing Multiple Cresties Together

When you place multiple in the same tank, you should look out for various threats.

Below are a few of the potential threats:

  • Weight Loss: Male and female geckos can bully submissive geckos in the cage by hoarding food and stopping them from eating. This can lead to weight loss for others. Even if your pet is stressed or intimidated, it can lose weight. 
  • Tail Loss or Nipping: If you notice tail loss or nipping, separate them before it is too late. 
  • Different Behavior Patterns: If you notice your pet hiding more than usual or being timid, it is better to check on them as it can be due to stress or they are facing certain issues. 

If you notice any of these signs, immediately separate them, as it is unhealthy and can be dangerous in the long run. 

Fun Fact: These little reptiles can live approximately 15 – 20 years if looked after with proper care.


These reptiles can live together if you do not place two males in the same enclosure. When you are housing multiple geckos together, it is essential to provide them with a safe space. Otherwise, they can get stressed. Also, if you notice unusual behavior or threat signs, separate them immediately. Always monitor them when you house them together. 

We have provided you with all the important details regarding housing crested geckos together. Whatever decision you make, ensure that it is well calculated.

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