Can Bearded Dragons Jump? A Detailed Understanding

can bearded dragons jump

Are you a proud pet bearded dragon owner and are wondering about the curious behavior of your pet? Are you perhaps thinking of putting it up on your shoulder and roaming around? Do you think your bearded dragon is capable of jumping off a height or not? Is it safe if my bearded dragon jumps off from a height? 

Can Bearded Dragons Jump?

Bearded dragons are capable of jumping off heights. They are also capable of jumping out of their pet enclosures. It is not safe for a bearded dragon if it jumps out from a great height.

Top 8 Reasons Why A Bearded Dragon Jumps

It is quite possible that your bearded dragon jumps off when it is riding on your shoulder. There are also reasons why your bearded dragon will try to jump off from its enclosure. 

Following are some of the possible valid explanations:

  1. Feeling Threatened or Stressed

The number one reason, why your pet bearded dragon is jumping out of the enclosure or off your shoulder is because of stress. Bearded dragons tend to jump when they feel threatened or stressed. 

If you have other pet animals like cats and dogs, the presence of these large animals can be interpreted as a threat by your bearded dragon. Therefore, to avoid these animals, your bearded dragon may end up jumping off in order to get away from that situation. 

Bearded dragons are territorial creatures and can get aggressive if threatened. In case you have housed two bearded dragons together, chances are they may end up fighting. In such situations, the submissive bearded dragon may try to flee the situation by escaping and thus jumping off the pet enclosure.  

  1. Poor Enclosure Conditions

Another reason why your bearded dragon may jump off from the enclosure is the lack of proper enclosure conditions. 

If the pet enclosure does not have proper habitable conditions like proper temperature levels, humidity levels, and a clean tank, your bearded dragon may try to escape frequently by jumping off.

  1. Stress Due to New Environment

A change in environment can induce a lot of stress in your bearded dragon. If you have recently made any changes to your bearded dragon’s pet enclosure, then it may end up jumping from its enclosure. 

In case you have brought your bearded dragon recently, it may find it hard to get used to the completely new environment and thus may end up jumping off the enclosure frequently. 

  1. Small Pet Enclosure

If the pet enclosure for your bearded dragon is small as compared to the requirements of a bearded dragon, then you may notice that the instances of jumping off the enclosure have risen.  

Adult bearded dragons, in particular, need a spacious pet enclosure. If your bearded dragon has jumped off often from the enclosure, and the enclosure is small,  then you need to invest in a larger vivarium.   

  1. Natural Curiosity

Your bearded dragon can also jump off out of sheer curiosity and the spirit to explore. This could happen when your bearded dragon has a new habitat or has had a change in the environment recently. 

Check out this bearded dragon taking a leap of faith here!

  1. Poor Judgment

Sometimes your bearded dragon may jump off not because they are stressed or afraid but rather because it failed to judge the distance between objects. 

Your bearded dragon may seem to think that the distance between the vivarium and the ground is not too much, and it may end up being reckless by jumping off the pet enclosure. In this case, they lack a certain visual perception. 

  1. Spotting Food 

If your bearded dragon has jumped off your shoulder or the pet enclosure all of a sudden, a possibility is that it could have seen some piece of food or an insect. 

Since hunting down insects is a natural instinct for bearded dragons, spotting an insect can trigger this instinct, and they may jump off in order to grab hold of the insect or food item. 

  1. Lack of Faith in the Owner

If you have tried to carry around your newly bought bearded dragon on your shoulder and you have not established trust with your bearded dragon, chances are it will try to get away from you. 

Your bearded dragon may even try to jump off from your hands if you hold them when they are not comfortable being held.

Consequences of Your Bearded Dragon Jumping from a Height

It is not safe for bearded dragons to jump from a height. Their biological structure is not suitable for sustaining a fall or jump from a height.

While jumping off from either enclosures or other objects from a height, your bearded dragon can end up hurting its feet or getting some other serious injury. 

A bearded dragon’s jumping skills are average. Although, in case of an exception, some bearded dragons can jump from place to place without injuring themselves,  you should see to it that your bearded dragon (especially a baby bearded dragon) does not jump often. 

Preventive Measures to Stop Your Bearded Dragon from Jumping

Following are some preventive measures you can implement so that your bearded dragon does not jump off often and end up injuring itself:

  1. Investing in a Large Pet Enclosure

Adult bearded dragons need a large pet enclosure. It is advisable to get a vivarium with a minimum capacity of 40 gallons or around 48 inches x 24 inches x 24 inches.  

The spacious pet enclosure will ensure that your bearded dragon will be comfortable in it and feel safer. This will also significantly reduce the stress of your bearded dragon. 

  1. Getting a Tank Lid 

It isn’t easy to monitor your bearded dragon at all times. In order to prevent your bearded dragon from jumping off from the enclosure, you can invest in getting a tank lid for the enclosure. 

An ideal tank lid should have sufficient openings to keep the enclosure airy and to maintain the temperature of the vivarium. 

Keeping the lid on at all times will ensure that your bearded dragon does not hop out of the enclosure due to panic, stress, or excitement. 

  1. Maintaining a Good Environment in the Pet Enclosure

Having good pet enclosure conditions will ensure that your bearded dragon is stress-free and comfortable in the terrarium. 

Installing a proper heating lamp to maintain the optimal temperature and a thermostat to monitor the temperature will help you maintain ideal enclosure conditions for your pet bearded dragon. 

Make sure that you regularly clean the tank. Also, it is wise to invest in a digital hygrometer to maintain the humidity levels so that your pet does not try to escape its enclosure due to poor living conditions.

  1. Keeping Other Pets Out of Sight

Your bearded dragon can especially feel jumpy if it is around larger pets like cats and dogs. Though in some rare cases, bearded dragons are known to bond with dogs and even have fun playtime, in most cases, bearded dragons feel threatened by the presence of another animal. 

It is best if you cover the pet enclosure while your other pets are in the same room. You can also isolate your bearded dragon in a separate room. 

Also, if you have two bearded dragons, it is best that you house them in separate enclosures to avoid territorial wars and acts of aggression. This will prevent any attempts of the submission bearded dragon to jump off in fright. 

  1. Building Trust with Your Pet

Lastly, if you have recently bought a bearded dragon, you must establish a bond of trust before you try to handle it or put your pet on your shoulder. 

If your pet bearded dragon is comfortable being around you, then it is less likely to jump away from you. 


Your bearded dragon can jump off easily from heights and get hurt. It is best to keep an eye out for the behavior of your bearded dragon and to eliminate any underlying causes that could make it jump. 


Do Baby Bearded Dragons Also Jump?

Yes, baby bearded dragons tend to jump a lot. The simple reason behind this is they are more active than adult bearded dragons. Baby bearded dragons are also more curious about their surroundings. However, this is dangerous as baby bearded dragons are extremely delicate and can end up hurting themselves gravely. 

How High Can a Bearded Dragon Jump?

Bearded dragons can jump anywhere between a few inches to a foot. However, the height from which they jump depends on their health, age, and external factors. They can jump from places like their pet enclosures, beds, tables, chairs, and your shoulder or arms. 

What Should I Do If My Bearded Dragon Injured Itself by Jumping?

In case your bearded dragon has injured itself by jumping off a height, you must immediately take it to a veterinary doctor for exotic animals. Since their bodies are delicate, you must not try to treat them at home.

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